The on-demand presentations are intended for individual viewing (personal) and vetting purposes (schools) and should not be used in a large group setting. Please contact Ransomed Life for large group guidelines.




The “Mousetraps” presentation is geared for elementary aged youth* (8-11 y/o). The session focuses on how the internet works and the dangers that come with it. Students will learn how to trust their body, who can be their trusted adult, and how to say “no” when feeling uncomfortable. *Some schools choose to offer this presentation for 1st & 2nd grades - Ransomed Life’s intended audience is 3rd-5th grades.



general awareness + TIPS FOR TRUSTED ADULTS

The “Growing Up in a Digital World” presentation is designed to educate ALL adults about how children are lured into the dark world of sex trafficking and exploitation. The session focuses on the dangers of technology, including strategies used by child predators. Caregivers and adults will know how to identify a child in trouble and some best practices to be a child's trusted adult. They will also learn about the hope Ransomed Life offers and resources available to them.



If you, or someone you know is in danger or for any emergency situation, call 9-1-1.
Call local law enforcement non-emergency number for the county you are in to report suspected activity.

After reporting to local law enforcement, call the National Human Trafficking Hotline to report any in-person tips.

Report online exploitation to the cyber tip-line.


The lures and lies that traffickers use with youth

The “Lures and Lies” presentation is geared for middle and high school aged youth. The session focuses on how technology puts every child at risk, common grooming tactics, misconceptions about exploitation and the dangers of sextortion. Students will understand how to stay safe from the lures traffickers use and the lies they feed them to keep them there. *Some schools choose to eliminate the two survivor stories (Bianca & Lacy) for Middle School audiences.*



La presentacion "Crecer en un Mundo Digital" esta disenada para educar a todos los adultos sobre como los ninos son atraidos al oscuro mundo del traffico y explotacion sexual. La session se enfoca en los peligros de la tecnologia, incluyendo las estrategias utilizadas por depredadores de ninos. Los cuidadores y adultos sabran como identificar a un nino en problemas y algunas mejores practicas para ser el adulto de confianza de un nino. Tambien sabran sobre la esperanza que ofrece Ransomed Life y los recursos disponibles para ellos.

Algunos videos necesitaran titulos cerrados (closed captions), click "CC" > click "settings" > "auto-translate" > Spanish / Espanol para tener traduccion de videos.

Game Over - Fighting Back Against Traffickers and Predators While Gaming

Have you ever played a game with a stranger...or someone you think you know? Traffickers are in ALL apps and games. The most popular places for traffickers to be is where young people are. The key is accessibility. If young people are accessible, they are a potential victim and if they are online, they are ACCESSIBLE.

This presentation will give a brief overview of sex trafficking, how gamers are lured into the dark world of sexual exploitation, and how to report it. We must empower young people to be wise online - 30 minutes could be the ultimate Game Changer.

Great for all gamers middle/high school age AND parents of gamer. Parents discretion on whether it would be appropriate for elementary age gamers.

Take it Down

Having nudes online is scary, but there is hope to get it taken down.

This service is one step you can take to help remove online nude, partially nude, or sexually explicit photos and videos taken before you were 18.